To my delightful amazement, though after a great deal of sarcastic depression of THE TOURIST, I found this little unconventional romance, Dedication, that has me refilled to pick up a pen and started writing again.
As a matter of fact, it was the name of this movie, or to be more preciously, its translation version in Chinese “插画情缘” (meaning "Illustration & Affection" literally) that got me interested in the very first place. A dancing flow of beautiful and delicate illustrations and stretches was certainly my initiative in downloading the movie and thus something I was expecting during it. However, funny enough, there are only a few stretches appearing, which can be described neither "beautiful" nor "delicate". But what's funnier is my focus has been subconsciously switched on to the story.
This movie is not a typical Hollywood blockbuster romantic comedy which, as we all know…