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    福尔摩斯的对手们 The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (1971)

    最近更新: 2019-12-17 第13集


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    This British TV series, shot almost entirely on videotape, dramatized short mystery fiction by authors who were contemporaries of Sir A rthur Conan Doyle. Many of these authors were virtually unknown to modern audiences, although all of the detectives portrayed had appeared in popular ongoing series of short stories or novels. "Rivals" featured the only dramatizations to date of such period characters as Jacques Futrelle's "The Thinking Machine" and W. H. Hodgson's "Carnacki The Ghost Finder". Production values were high, although the limitations of early '70's video technology are painfully obvious. The casts included the cream of British television's character actors, featuring a few faces that will be recognizable to American audiences.Series 1 (1971) September 20 - December 9Episode 1 - A Message from the Deep Sea (Dr. Thorndyke)Episode 2 - The Missing Witness Sensation (Max Carrados)Episode 3 - The Affair of the Avalanche Bicycle & Tyre Co. Ltd. (Horace Dorrington)Episode 4 - The Duchess of Wiltshire's Diamonds (Simon Carne)Episode 5 - The Horse of the Invisible (Carnacki)Episode 6 - The Case of the Mirror of Portugal (Horace Dorrington)Episode 7 - Madame Sara (Dixon Druce)Episode 8 - The Case of the Dixon Torpedo (Jonathan Pryde)Episode 9 - The Woman in the Big Hat (Lady Molly)Episode 10 - The Affair of the Tortoise (Martin Hewitt)Episode 11 - The Assyrian Rejuvenator (Romney Pringle)Episode 12 - The Ripening Rubies (Bernard Sutton)Episode 13 - The Case of Laker, Absconded (Martin Hewitt)Series 2 (1973) January 29 - May 7Episode 1 - The Mysterious Death on the Underground Railway (Polly Burton)Episode 2 - Five Hundred Carats (Inspector Lipinzki)Episode 3 - Cell 13 (Professor Van Dusen)Episode 4 - The Secret of the Magnifique (John Laxworthy)Episode 5 - The Absent-Minded Coterie (Eugene Valmont)Episode 6 - The Sensible Action of Lieutenant HolstEpisode 7 - The Superfluous Finger (Professor Van Dusen)Episode 8 - Anonymous Letters (Dagobert Trostler)Episode 9 - The Moabite Cypher (Dr. Thorndyke)Episode 10 - The Secret of the Fox Hunter (Duckworth [William] Drew)Episode 11 - The Looting of the Specie Room (Mr. Horrocks)Episode 12 - The Mystery of the Amber Beads (Hagar)Episode 13 - The Missing QCs (Charles Dallas)


    • 豆瓣 7.7 IMDB 7.6 第08集
      Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators


      Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators
    • 豆瓣网友的评价
      • 很棒的全年龄侦探剧呀!!有时候可能逻辑上还是有点漏洞,但是温馨可爱让人心情愉悦的剧真不多!还有小哥哥的时尚大秀嘿嘿
      • 挺好看的,诙谐,幽默,每个人都有特点。英国的村子真好啊,有城堡,有教堂,有人可以住一辈子。看看我们的农村,拆迁,菜市场搬离,人为刀切秩序化,这是生活么!
      • 3.5星,多有点bgm就完美了
      • 剧情越来越弱,但很贴地气。
    • 豆瓣 6.7 IMDB 6.0 第03集
      The Secret Agent


      The Secret Agent
    • 豆瓣网友的评价
      • 3.5 似乎描绘恐怖主义行径,但又是在探究挖掘、指出恐怖主义的源头。被权力如游戏般操控的人物故事,和人性自身的懦弱卑鄙交织。最后看完,反而觉得弱智单纯抱弹而亡的S倒成了存在于那个环境的一抹光。是值得思考的剧。女主闻弟丧的那种持续的冷静是给差评的,反而是种刻意感的表现。
      • 节奏很慢,闷闷地给人一击的感觉。不是炫酷的间谍,也没有精致的谋划,必然和偶然之间,个人和政治之间,有点措不及防的命运感。主线大概在今天更有共鸣,以内部人的身份制造煽动和破坏。觉得女主不适合这个角色,小说应该更精彩。把对立国家具体化为俄国,也很有意思。
      • 全程都在感叹这个死胖子怎么睡了LOL!再恨Combo成事不足败事有余!!结局给人希望又狠狠彻底摔下,TM太沉重了欲哭无泪!!!
      • 托比琼斯在停尸房的几秒钟表情特写,每一下转瞬即逝的脸部肌肉运动都是教科书级的
      • 还是更喜欢原著一点
      • 还行吧
      • 不喜欢女主闻弟丧的那种持续的冷静


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