记得年前的奥斯卡颁奖礼,主持人Ellen DeGeneres的开场白中调侃了美国的选举.她说"美国偶像中美国人民没有选Jennifer Hudson,你看她现在在奥斯卡上得到奥斯卡女配角,而戈尔,一个美国人民投了票给他的,却...",然后台下笑成一片
Kevin Spacey先生的精湛演技已经不用多说,本来只值3星的电影多了他也能变成4星.
忠奸没有一定,只有相对,像怀玉所说,这部电影,或许除了记叙了99年那场世纪之争外,还传达了那么一个信息,一个他们觉得值得骄傲的信息.James Baker在最后说到
"But more important than all that is that the system worked. There were no tanks on the streets. This peaceful transfer of power in the most emotional and trying of times is a testament to the strength of the Constitution and to our faith in the rule of law"