本季结尾 三段对话 理解的时刻
Harvey:Mike Ross never went to law school.I knew it,and I hired him anyway.
Scottie:Why are you telling me now?
Harvey:Because you accused Jessica of being Edward Darby.It wasn't her,It's me.
Scottie:I still can't stay,Harvey.
Harvey:I know .I just want to stop lying to the people I love.I'm sorry.
Harvey:I told her.
Donna:I know.
Harvey:She won't tell anyone.
Donna:I know.
Harvey:She's leaving.
Donna:I know.Harvey,you're a good man.
Harvey:Am I? I turned Quelling into the bar.I took my rage out on him.He didn't deserve it.
Donna:Which is why I stopped it.
Harvey:What are you talking about?
Donna:Do you seriously think that Stephanie Liston is the only person who owes me a favor?
Harvey:Well.That's does't make me a good man,That makes you a good man…