KBO-keep buggering on 以守为攻
action this day 今日行动
out of the night that covers me, black as a pit from pole tp pole, I thank whatever Gods may be for my unconquerable soul. 夜幕低垂 将我笼罩,我穿过层层无底的黑暗,感谢万能的上帝 赐予我坚不可摧的灵魂。
one word personally about myself 我自己有一句话要说
if I stay on for the time being, bearing the burden at my age, 如果我继续留任一段时间,咋合格年纪还承担重任
it is not because of love of power or officer. 不是因为我对权力和职位的贪恋
i've had an ample share of both, 因为现在这二者对我来说已经足够了
If I stay, it is because ,如果我留下来 那时因为
I have a feeling that I may, 我认为
through things that have happened 我能够处理好一些正在发生饿事
have an influence on what I care about above all else,而这 将会影响到我所关心的事物发展
the building of a sure and lasting peace. 将会更好地建设确定且持续的和平
let us then go forward t…