Dan Gheesling在2008年赢得了一个我最爱的美国CBS台真人秀Big Brother(老大哥)第10季。2013年CBS把他和其他几个明星选手请回去参加了第14季的Show,他又凭借强大的综合能力获得了第二名(因为是场外观众最终投出冠军,鉴于他赢得一次,观众投选了newbie)。这是Dan为今年BB's Houseguests写的公开信。因为是自己喜欢的节目,借此机会简单推介一下。下面我凑合把公开信分享并翻译一下。
Dear Future Houseguest,
Congratulations on making it into the Big Brother house, just getting into the Big Brother house is not an easy task.
恭喜你千辛万苦地进入到了BB House,因为能够海选进入这个房子就很不容易了。
But remember, it’s a privilege to be there.
It’s a privilege that many people would literally kill for. Keep that in mind while you are locked in the house and want to complain about there not being your favorite kind of food, or coffee, soap, etc.