Personal Critics-UKeham
Criteria: [A.没意思 boring; B.可以看看 fine; C. 好看 nice; D.非常值得看 Great ]。
Personal rates: B.
Brief:非法移民拾荒男与吸毒沦落流浪女相识相爱走在一起,二人生活刚有好转,却因拾荒男染重病住院,两人被赶出住处再次流浪,然后女的出卖身体为其买药,拾荒男为流浪女能摆脱累赘回归家庭而选择死亡的故事。讲述社会底层人的艰辛生活,救赎和相互支持,故事流畅且吸引。An illegal immigrant homeless guy meets and falls in love to a drug addicted junkie girl, he gets serious illness right after the life starts to be good to them. They get to be homeless again after kicking out of their place and the girl is forced to use her body for medicine out of no way. In the end the homeless guy chooses death for the girl backing home without burden. It’s a good story about homeless, poverty, redemption and strength in each other.