江海之思 |
纪录片就还好,但Toni太好了,几处看到Sontag的眼睛。写你不知道的,越远越好;‘All you got is your little self, and what are you without racism? Are you any good, are you still strong?’ ;come to your senses be your characters; (intentionally didn’t do much research) I‘m not writing a book about her. being strong and light is the same thing. |
换号补标。永远记得其中两句 |
I get up before sunrise, I want to beat the sun. The white people thought our lives have no meaning and no depth without their White Gaze. How does a child learn self-loathing ? Where does it come from ? I love Toni Morrison coz she transcend race.🖤 she's not afraid of being a black🖤And she is loved. Put up hand and feel the human connection✋ |
Very inspiring |
我可以一遍又一遍地看,听她讲,一遍又一遍。 |
eng cw 272 screening//小說家的心都好美好美 |
how come I never watched not even one episode of mf / GOT / tbbt.... (simply dont know why😧 weird. dzyn be like how many times do i gotta tell u my ass aint no pussy just give me a little breathing room here, some walk-around money only then ill be fine. okay? dzyn: fly as i say fly. like a boss |
更喜欢她了 |
有几个印象深刻的地方,其一是Toni提到的存在于narrative in Literature的white gaze,其二是白人一直站在黑人的膝盖上看这个世界,其三是她提到美国作为一个melting pot,除黑人裔外所有移民都需要一个对象去being hostile to,这样他们才能在pot中unite,比喻太传神。最后以宠儿这本书的结尾来为纪录片做总结很到位,she was beloved(and that's the essence of being human) |
浮想联翩 |
“I know I am not you. I know I don’t know you. But I know this.” |
第一次读到《宠儿》的时候,我内里的鬼魂仿佛被酷寒灼烧(或许经历过极寒的人能理解这种肉体上的感觉),当时的世上大概只有《百年孤独》(虽然它被对比滥了)有如此原始而强烈的震撼感。从此对托妮莫里森的热爱愈发浓厚,读遍了她所有作品的中译本(也读了四本原文)。她的作品恰恰是经常表现出文学可能不擅长表现的特质,这使得阅读她与阅读其它文学作品的概括的体验感极为不同。几年前她过世了,恰好也是一个她所经历的经典历史性的美国时代的终结。看着她讲述她的民族、她的事业、她激愤的观点和多少带些泛灵论的呓语,几乎可以相信片子结尾处那个女巫般的诗人对她的评价——就是有那种让人类升华的存在,托妮莫里森即是如此。目前还没有中文字幕,希望有字幕组为爱发电,让更多观者有机会观看此片。 |
the story of slavery,normally is a story of black people being enslaved,escaping and becoming free,or dying and not becoming free,that is the classic black slave story,and one thing that was not part of the slavery story was a woman |
She is to be loved. |
十颗星,全部属于莫里森。 |
She teaches me to be insightful, strong and elegant. |
82/100 |
从她的人生际遇,从编辑到作者的身份转换,从《最蓝的眼睛》到《宠儿》的写作历程,展示了一个特别有魅力的人。 |
她用慢悠悠的语速读《最蓝的眼睛》片段 语言的美是可以被感知到的 |
Nothing she wrote know I. |
就纪录片本身中规中矩 而且捧哏有点密集 但是The black magic—She is loved!!!!!! |
she is amazing. |
A truly inspiring figure, as a woman, as a human. |
"The only way to know and to own what I know is to write it, and have you read it, so we both know" |
Was deeply touched by Toni Morrison's word in this documentary that was not shared when I read her books. It is to eliminate white male gaze. It is interior pain, bluest eyes. What are you without racism? SY |
(Virtual screening @ CCT) 3.5,拍得翔实且真实,可一窥作家的内涵、文风以及身为黑人女性所曾遭遇的困境与奋斗。剪掉十五到二十分钟的长度会更好。 |
purely, spiritually emboldening @2020-01-22 02:42:22 |
Glasgow Film Festival02 R.I.P Morrison…You are loved. 感动 但不可避免传记式documentary通病 |
唉其实一直很排斥美国环境里的PC,总觉得不该是用这样的方式(比如黑人画毫无意义的正面侧面自画像(且感受不到任何内在精神与情感)),如果要说该是怎样的,应该是像morrison这样,那种“interior pain”,平静、无能为力、也最悲哀。 |
Looking at black literature & culture through Toni Morrison’s eyes, both Morrison and her work should be revered and remembered. I love how Jesmyn Ward paid tribute to her, "Her every word a caress, her every sentence an embrace, her every paragraph, a cupping of her hands around our faces that said: I know you, I see you, we are together." |
超级动人。在二十世纪六七十年代面向非裔读者,摒弃white gaze写自己的故事,需要面对“为什么不写白人”的荒唐指责,虽然Morrison说写出了所罗门之歌之后才敢于称自己是“作家”而不是“爱好写作的老师/编辑”,还是很喜欢她勇敢,专注,unapologetic.也喜欢她被问到为什么觉得自己会得诺奖时不掩饰锋芒的回答,“因为我写得好。” |
没想到在AA上能看到她的纪录片。常常会把她和Maya Angelou放一起看,二者都是realist,前者更冷峻,后者更激烈。纪录片本身不够精彩,underestimate her expressiveness. |
3.5 偏于强调种族身份的纪录片,其实蛮期待将她的文学性的,毕竟that's the part she cares the most and is most valuable. @whitney |
Toni Morrison的诙谐幽默,不退步的态度,超于常人的耐力,非同一般的语言能力……为什么她的故事有这么多政治色彩?不是因为她选择了政治,而是政治缠上了她(和与她相似的人)。感谢你写过和说过的伟大的话,我会牢记。 |
传统的人物传记。话题性比较强吧 |
9/15/19 @cornell cinema - I‘m literally crying at the end… You are loved. The blessing one. ❤️ |
一定要努力工作啊 // 建议在美留学生朋友们多多学习黑人文化和民权史,从而学会做人 |
在Cornell cinema的第一部电影 也是这儿给我带来爱和归属感的开始呀 下课走向电影院的路上的心情是难以言喻的快乐/ 形式是有惊喜的 但pieces的选取上还是有些平面了 会适合像我这样不了解莫里森的人去建立认识 |
Not personally, but 作为一部纪录片 水平有待提高 |
190907 @Lincoln Center: 果然还是white man导演的啊。一些视角缺席,不过Toni说的真不错。 |
reading in progress. This is definitely a right choice on a cold, rainy and sleepy Friday afternoon. |
film at lincoln center/ |
@gene siskel |
赞👍 |
miff@the capitol toni“我很喜欢得诺贝尔奖 因为他们的party真的很棒” 闺蜜“非常棒的party 所以我建议你一定要认识一个可以得诺贝尔奖的朋友” 不带一滴鸡汤的满满正能量完全来自toni的个人精神魅力 之后要补她的几本书 看简介就觉得非常有意思 |
早上得知toni morrison过世,晚上就跑去看了关于她的纪录片。太值得爱的这么一个人。少的一星是这个纪录片搞得真的不大行:过多没意义的空镜,一些幻灯片的式的图片也是选的cliché没惊喜。 |
The way she roasted the white interviewer is goal, I want to be on that level. “ no actually I preferred to be called black writer, a black woman writer to be accurate”. Only when an artist rid of that white male gaze can the art actually be free. |
对比The Black Godfather,或许还是要承认读书人的访谈捧段位更高...从作家/职业到种族的宣传者,片中也是有非常精确对她的自我总结:了解非洲裔女性的历史,就是了解了美国的历史; |
T T the blessed one. You see her, and you can keep walking on, upright, as human beings. |