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    神秘岛 Mysterious Island (1961)

    最近更新: 2024-07-09 第40话



    During the US Civil War, Union POWs escape in a balloon and end up stranded on a South Pacific island, inhabited by giant plants and animals. They must use their ingenuity to survive the dangers, and to devise a way to return home. Sequel to '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' . Written by Stewart M. Clamen <[email protected]>   In 1865, during the siege of Richmond, Virginia, the union soldiers POW Captain Harding, Neb and Herbert escape in a balloon during a storm with two confederate prisoners, Sergeant Pencroft and the journalist Spilett. The uncontrollable wind takes the balloon to a mysterious island in the South Pacific in the area of New Zealand. Captain Harding self-proclaims the leader of the group and they look for food; sooner they discover that they are stranded in an island. Further, they are attacked by a giant crab that becomes their first meal. Along the days, they build a shelter and finds that the island is inhabited by giant animals. A couple of days later, they find two castaways on the beach, the aristocratic Lady Mary Fairchild and her sexy niece Elena. Later they find a trunk with weapons and instruments like sextant and shelter with a journal of a man left alone in the island by pirates. When the pirate vessel arrives in the island, they are helped by Captain Nemo of the Nautilus, a submarine that had supposedly sunk in the coast of Mexico eight years ago. Nemo is famous as the man that tried to end strike among man. When the volcano begins activity, they need to leave the island to save their lives. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    • 豆瓣 6.1 IMDB 6.6 HD高清


    • 豆瓣网友的评价
      • 6/10。不折不扣的伪科幻,连把子弹枪换成激光枪的表面工夫都省了。本质沿袭了西部警匪的叙事倾向,阴冷、克制,甚至没有一场新奇火爆的动作戏。神话英雄般的牛仔/警长,来到某地除暴安良然后离去,最后肯定要给反面人物来个正义铁拳,都是经典套路。唯独缺了原版《正午》那股众人袖手旁观的悲凉气氛。
      • 看在老肖的份上,多加一颗星,这个故事放哪里拍都行,跟科幻搭不上边。
      • 说实在的,反派有点弱了。一开始战斗力还可以,打得主角到处逃,但很快就暴露出智力捉急的本来面目,轻松被主角各个击破……
      • 放在天空设定下的西部片。把太空船改成小镇,不影响任何剧情。
    • IMDB 5.3 HD中字
      War-Gods of the Deep


      War-Gods of the Deep
    • 豆瓣网友的评价
      • 彩色电影,会射弩的海底人
      • 文森特·普莱斯又一个爱伦坡式的角色 —— 在爱与死亡中挣扎和沉沦,参考普莱斯60年代与罗杰·科曼合作的爱伦坡8部曲中的《陷坑与钟摆》、《厄舍古厦的倒塌》和《莱姬娅之墓》。
      • 反派像是德古拉
      • based on "City in the Sea"
      • 整个故事的概念还可以,但始终缺乏让人振奋的情节。Vincent Price的角色自然是亮点,贪恋永生的国王,也是困在海底的囚徒,想拯救海底城市,想要留住“爱人”,恶行都有天真的目的。女主像他亡妻的梗,和穿插在影片中的诗歌The Doomed City,有Price的地方总有爱伦坡彩蛋
      • 普莱斯真的好可爱 爱伦坡适配度拉满
      • 爱伦坡的The City in the Sea
      • 老电影,有科幻色彩,天灾人祸永远是失败的根源。
      • 无聊
      • 有爱伦坡的诗,海边房屋,密道,女主被掳走,两个男主去找,遇到地下生活的人,大约1800年的走私犯,长生不老,有点加勒比海盗那意思.窗外才是鱼人.基本就在地下的洞穴房间,还有一些雕塑,其实空间很少,结尾穿水肺逃出才展现了几个鱼人.大概船长的老婆是女主的祖先吧?设定地下火山快要爆发了.船员们长生但不能到地面去,会老去.联想儒勒凡尔纳等19世纪的科幻.没有特别的内容,主要就是主角游览奇观吧. 泰布·亨特 Tab Hunter 大卫·汤姆林森 David Tomlinson 反派,文森特·普莱斯
      • 和海底两万里很像么
      • 2019年已看020。拖延症字幕组还真是翻了好多小惊悚。当然,无论是爱伦坡原著,还是普莱斯嗓音的演绎,或者是里面“海底族”的造型,片子也没什么惊悚的,而是关乎死亡的一点点思索。
      • 80多分钟,海底城堡,百年前的逃难人。。。元素多可惜还是不太喜欢
      • 其实还算是挺精彩的了
      • 水下追逐本该是重头戏,但是特技拍摄生硬地插入演员表情特写竟剪出一种演员们在玩游戏控制潜水人物的微妙观感
      • 几年前看过,
      • 说是基于爱伦坡的诗歌改编,其实拍出来更像是一部低配版的凡尔纳科幻。。。前半部分像地心游记后半部分像海底两万里,片中的公鸡赫伯特和地心游记里的母鸭格特鲁特也正好凑成一对。。。水下“霸波奔”也显然是从黑湖妖潭里借鉴过来的。。。雅克特纳拍这样的电影有点大材小用了,完全使不上劲。。。ps其实还不如就听听普莱斯念念爱伦坡的诗歌还好些。。。
      • 在线搜狐
      • 以前看的
      • 影片的概念,设定,在当时应该是不错的创意。


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