No doubt, the story itself originally should be charming: a talented girl, with not at all family or even academic background, fights with life and pursuits THE dream.
Naturally and normally, it makes a good plot. However, the black&white paper copy, I bet, sells better than the colorful picture copy.
Why? Here's why.
corpse-like-stiff acting, constantly unchangable 7-teeth-showing smile(the leading attress only), some "someone must be watching, so we better be indulged" affection-revealing romantic scene, not-so-amazing-leveled dancing scene, ect, you name it.
Even the final push(the big show) doesn't stand out enough. The real audience, not those figurant watched by us, might have had the similar experience like this/mine: "Oh, the big show is finally coming...and that's it?!". Yeah, that's it~
Last but definitely not least, the very ending life-philosophy telling part…