The Crazed Fruit, directed by Kurutta kajitsu, depicted the new generation in Japan in a problematic way. After the World War Two, a group of youth emerged during the time when Japanese society was undergoing a big transformation in social, economic and cultural way. They were called the Tayozoku—the sun tribe generation. They were westernized, rebellious and anxious.
The Tayozoku was largely infiltrated by the American culture, which can be found everywhere throughout the movie. Jazz music, sports car, westernized clothes, the beach house. In one of the prom scene, jazz music runs through the whole process, conveying the laziness and relaxation in this young generation after the war time. However, at the same time, they were confused and anxious. There is a dramatized political debate occurring in the house with lots of close-ups. The main character, Haruji, expressed h…