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    藏娇记 Possessed (1931)

    最近更新: 2019-12-16 高清在线



    Marian Martin (Crawford) is a factory girl living with her mother in a grimy railroad town. Factory boy Al Manning hopes to marry her, but Marian is determined to find a better life. When a train makes a stop in town, Marian looks through the windows and sees the wealthy passengers. She then makes the acquaintance of Wally Stuart, a New Yorker who gives her champagne and writes down his address, telling her to look him up if she ever makes it to New York. Marian, now tipsy from the champagne, happily returns home. Giggling, she tells Al and her mother that she was drinking down by the railroad tracks.Al, who was waiting for her and accuses her of being drunk, spots the piece of paper containing Wally's address in Marian's hand, grabs it from her, and tears it up. He then tells Marian that her actions are inappropriate and that she's staying with him. Marian lashes out, telling Al and her mother that no one owns her and that her life belongs to herself. She grabs the torn paper shreds up from the floor and pastes them back together, then leaves for New York City. There, she looks up Wally who gives her some advice on meeting and keeping wealthy men, which Marian uses to begin a relationship with his friend Mark Whitney (Gable), a divorced attorney.She eventually becomes Mark's mistress and he provides her with a complete make-over, educating her in the arts and culture of his social set. Three years pass and the two entertain with brio and style. Marian and Mark fall in love.When Mark decides to run for gubernatorial office, however, friends caution him that his relationship with Marian is a serious liability. To cover their relationship, she has changed her name to "Mrs. Moreland" and poses as a wealthy divorcee. Some time later, Al, now running a prosperous cement business, comes to the city hoping to land a big contract. He sees Marian and asks her to marry him, but she refuses. When she overhears Mark talking with some politicians, she realizes that he now plans to marry her, despite the fact that their relationship would cause a scandal. She pretends not to love Mark and says that she is going to marry Al instead.A political rival soon leaks her true identity and Marian is forced to defend herself at one of Mark's election rallies. As the crowd rumbles, Marian steps up from the audience and tells them that Mark has always been an honorable man, who once belonged to her, but now belongs to them. The crowd cheers as she leaves, sobbing. Outside, Mark catches up to her and tells her that from now on they will be together no matter what. Mark legitimizes their relationship by proposing marriage.Possessed is a Pre-Code 1931 drama film directed by Clarence Brown, starring Joan Crawford and Clark Gable, and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The film is the story of Marian Martin, a factory worker who rises to the top as the mistress of a wealthy attorney. The screenplay by Lenore J. Coffee was adapted from the 1920 Broadway play The Mirage by Edgar Selwyn. Possessed was the third of eight movie collaborations between Crawford and Gable.


    • 豆瓣 7.4 IMDB 7.5 HD高清


    • 豆瓣网友的评价
      • 剧本含金量在今天看来并不高,有价值的地方,除了影像还原出的南方风情外,更有Bette Davis为这位跋扈恣睢的富家小姐奉献的绝伦表演。骑马服出场可谓是飒爽夺目,大方英气的装束太衬她了,能让阴鸷气势显得端严,刁蛮姿态也化作爽朗,一旦换上白礼服,她的美就节节败退了。
      • BD演技强悍,不过作为华纳给女主角制作的“替代品”,这规模和GWTW比实在差太多。当做女性电影看倒是部“大制作”了。
      • 像是另一种版本的《乱世佳人》,也拥有戏剧性和历史跨度的情节,但故事更侧重于表现女主角对爱的认识与前后改变。然而南方和北方的不同观点,废除死刑的争议,黑白主仆间的关系都是轻描淡写。另外,亨利.方达和贝蒂的组合非常很不搭。
      • 这部电影居然在乱世佳人之前出现,非常讶异。因为很多镜头太像gwtw了。贝蒂戴维斯在费雯丽之前演绎了斯嘉丽。
      • 坚毅的女性角色,又一位高昂着头颅的乱世佳人,任性不是本心,赤诚的爱才是。强大的Bette Davis,光是海报上一个眼神就已气场全开,片尾几场戏都很厉害,顺便她在这部里造型十分美。电影本身则有些许问题,叙事断裂并不吸引人...除女主外角色都没神采,亨利方达的男主几乎成为个符号
      • 三星半。有多少理由讨厌她,就有多少理由去喜欢。她好斗又任性地做了男人会做的事,也做了男人不敢做的事。只可惜故事太短,还没展开就已结束。
      • Bette出逃又诉讼,完后重回华纳却反而好片连连,真是有手段呢!《红衫泪痕》里面Bette每次都是忍着泪,却看的观众们代她痛哭流涕……另外,原来导演Wyler和Bette一度是情侣呢,合作的三部电影都很精彩。
      • 贝蒂片中怀上惠勒孩子,又跟方达纠缠,方达老婆一通电话,“我已经怀了未来要拿2座奥斯卡影后的简·方达,就要生了,有逼数了没?”,片外生活可谓比影片更精彩
      • 3.5。序,Dress,Duel,Disease。劇本過於斷裂,三場關鍵情境幾乎只強調了獨角戲,邊緣元素拓展有限。女主角幾乎都呈現討人厭的氣場,但收尾的和解及救贖又赤誠若燄。可以說,Wyler、Bette Davis跟Ernest Haller合力救了一個不算出色的劇本…
      • 看罢,不得不马后炮一下,Bette Davis奶奶演乱世佳人,也许会更好!
      • 3.5星,和乱世佳人一样说的是南方故事有的是南方美人苦的是南方爱情。。。戴维斯演活了一个小作女,最后居然还真的就被成全了,这样的爱情是真爱吗?这样的女人是令人讨厌还是让人钦佩真的很难说感觉像是个任性的偏执狂。。。
      • 贝蒂的角色也证明了女人一样可以强悍无情、咄咄逼人,甚至可以剥夺了一向被视为男性的特权,使男人反要吃女人的亏,可说是首位“女性电影”的诠释者
      • 与次年出品题材近似的乱世佳人相比,抛开作为贝蒂戴维斯不能出演斯嘉丽的高额补偿以及剧作和篇幅本身劣势都不提,单说一个深刻影响剧情发展与角色命运的技术环节差距:颜色。奥林匹克舞会上的一抹争议红衫。红在哪里?威廉惠勒此片依旧黑白制式,场景下红色女装与深色西服打成一片不分彼此。再想想亚特兰大的烽火赤天……想不“红”都难!
      • 感觉又看了一遍乱世佳人。如果没有费雯丽贝蒂也可以演scarlette o'hara。但方达不是白瑞德更像艾什利那号人物。穿红裙跳舞那段堪比亚特兰大那段可惜方达的眼神流露的是鄙视和怨恨而不是盖博那种欣赏。With enough courageyou can do without a reputation。女子当如是。
      • 从这片就能看出威廉惠勒在电影语言上确实挺厉害的
      • 简介里:贝蒂的角色也证明了女人一样可以强悍无情、咄咄逼人,甚至可以剥夺了一向被视为男性的特权,使男人反要吃女人的亏,可说是首位“女性电影”的诠释者。 我试着去体会那个时代的背景,也许对于那个时代 这算得上女性权利的捍卫。总得有人开先例,对于贝蒂和导演的影响与勇气 我无疑是敬佩的。 但对于当代,看到一些女权滥用的的情景 感到倍感痛心。 我非常主张健康女权 男女平等,打着女权的旗号 把自己看的太高 而去间接凌驾贬低他人,对于女权的伸张 无疑是毫无意义的。 我尽量要求自己从为人的角度出发对事,而不是性别的角度。但有时又不得不承认 男女确实是存在差异的 特别是思维上,也许老天正是想要我们在此合作互补。 而如何互补又是一门很大的学问 值得我们深究学习..
      • “一条红裙引发的情殇”。美国南方女子的特征就是坚强吗?可以看做是《乱世佳人》的前奏。里面的服装还原性较高,装饰多样制作繁复,还特别展示了贝蒂·戴维斯饰演的女主角朱莉为了盛大舞会,试穿裙摆极度夸张的华服场景,时装迷们不可不看。
      • 不喜欢Julie这个角色。一方面看似反传统,有主见,是较地方与时代先进的女性角色;但另一方面,又任性,固执,整部戏的戏剧冲突都源自于她的“作”。但必须承认Betty的表演确实很吸引人。短短104分钟并不能把故事的启程转折交代清楚,影片几乎停在高潮处,但去往隔离岛恐怕是条凶多吉少的路。三星半。
      • 作女令我疲惫,作完以后又一通尊严扫地的找补,真是跌份啊,气死了。即便贝蒂戴维斯演的很好也无法抵消掉我的厌倦,看电影之前拿她剧照做了好久手机桌面,现在我要换掉!!但希望电影是彩色的啊,想看看她那红裙子有多厉害。
      • Bette第一部大制作,也是All About Eve之前完成度最高的作品,一场戏要拍几十个take她也很乐意。反过来说,这已经是她接到最好的剧本,也有一丝丝可惜。
    • 豆瓣 6.7 IMDB 7.3 HD
      In This Our Life


      In This Our Life
    • 豆瓣网友的评价
      • bette davis随着年岁增长越来越适合演惊悚片,她的眼珠都快掉出来了
      • 贝蒂·戴维斯
      • 3.5
      • 贝蒂戴维斯真的绝了,有她在,其他人全无存在感,还有,这是不是太狗血了,舅舅对侄女动了色心,不伦恋啊我去...


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