这位女生Jeri Ryan,曾经是伊利诺伊小姐,嫁给了一位有钱人Jack Ryan,婚姻持续了八年(1991-1999)。两人离婚的原因本来是保密的,但Jack Ryan作为共和党候选人竞选2004年伊利诺伊州的参议员,离婚记录被公开,造成Jack Ryan退出竞选,民主党的奥巴马捡了个大便宜。
When Jeri Ryan divorced Jack Ryan, the reason for their divorce papers were kept secret, because they wanted to protect their children from knowing the reason for the divorce.
During the campaign for the US Senate; the Chicago Tribune had the reasons for the divorce made public, under the freedom of information act. The public papers made it clear that Jeri Ryan divorced Jack Ryan because he took her to sex clubs so they could indulge in various activ…